>TH.2058 - Tate Modern

Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster,
Unilever Series
30 Nov 08


"It rains incessantly in London – not a day, not an hour without rain, a deluge that has now lasted for years and changed the way people travel, their clothes, leisure activities, imagination and desires. They dream about infinitely dry deserts.

This continual watering has had a strange effect on urban sculptures. As well as erosion and rust, they have started to grow like giant, thirsty tropical plants, to become even more monumental. In order to hold this organic growth in check, it has been decided to store them in the Turbine Hall, surrounded by hundreds of bunks that shelter – day and night – refugees from the rain."

...This is Art with a capital 'A'... Monumental, theatrical, clever and completely over the top. Huge remakes of modern classics and water 'drip-drop' sound effects! This is what the turbine hall was designed for!... Louise Bourgeois 'Maman' and Alexander Calder's 'Flamingo' on steroids! More Henry Moore for ya money and Maurizio Cattelan's 'Felix' has definitely eaten all the pies! ...even Claus Oldenburg's 'Apple Core' goes large! Wonderful!

7 out of 10