The back streets, the world
August 2013

Francisco de Pájaro - Barcelona, Madrid, Berlin, Ibiza, Mallorca... and now, London. Art is tra$h has been cleaning up the back streets with his installations for years. Brick Lane has enjoyed a summer of truly amazing rubbish art! - You have to clock it early before it literally becomes trash!

I have been having some amazing early morning walks around Brick Lane this summer. My stroll to work needed a revamp, and I am so glad that I strayed from the path! Brick Lane, and the surrounding streets, has been a hot-bed of raw creativity for years, many of the worlds most notorious street artists have visited and left their mark. The walls, doors, shutters and corners are thick with rich vibrant colour. It's such an inspiring place.

Art is tra$h first came to my attention during one such stroll. A pile of discarded bin bags and cardboard boxes on a pavement had eyes, masking tape arms and a gruesome smile. Thick daubs of black, yellow, white and blue brought out the features of a human form, crushed under the rubbish.
...The best thing about this art... it doesn't hang around! Most of it gets torn from the pavement and dumped into the back of the refuse waggon... You have to get up early to enjoy these magical creations!

Francisco de Pájaro is a rubbish artist. He comes from Spain. Below are some of my favourite pieces to date.

Tra$h bike

Tra$h chest

Tra$h hoover

 Tra$h furniture

 Tra$h tyre

 Tra$h posters

 Tra$h skip

 Tra$h trash

 Tra$h gallery installation 1

Tra$h crap

 Tra$h artist

 Tra$h ART
I rescued this piece from Brick Lane...
I have saved it for future generations of trashy art lovers!

10 out of 10!