(And Mr Arcrimboldo in various Galleries
around the world)
October 08

Brassica Olaracea. Grown by Dave and Alex 2008
www.discoverkale.co.ukThe delicious Brassica Olaracea, a tasty treat for both the eyes and the stomach!, Vs. the very talented and oooh-sooo-clever Giuseppe Arcrimboldo.
As Summer becomes a distant memory and Autumn slowly takes over, our ornamental Kale has really come to life. Planted back in September, this beauty is certainly adding a welcome splash of colour! ...As spectacular as it is now, the heart of our kale will become even more vibrant and showy as the days get shorter and colder. Hurraagghh!
...Whilst thinking about decorative veg, (like you do), I couldn't stop myself from searching for images created by the 15th century Italian painter, Giuseppe Arcrimboldo. Famous for his wonderful portraits constructed from painted representations of fruits, vegetables, fish, insects... and just about anything else he could lay his hands on. We have seen several examples of Arcrimboldo's surreal compositions in Galleries around Europe. Surely the time is right for a major retrospective sometime soon?!? Fingers crossed and all that!

Vertumnus (Rudolph II). Giuseppe Arcrimboldo 1590/1591
Both get a tasty 9 out of 10